Hair Systems

Our educated specialist will talk to you about your needs, lifestyle and your expectations. discussing or recommending a desired hair style.


What to expect?

  • Free consultation
  • Private fitting rooms
  • Tailor made Hair Systems
  • Free follow up appointment
  • On going maintenance service available
  • Home maintenance education also available

Hair Systems are a non-surgical solution to hair loss. They are constructed from a range of materials such as polyurethane, skin or lace bases and high-quality human hair.

Hair Systems are a non-surgical solution to hair loss. They are constructed from a range of materials such as polyurethane, skin or lace bases and high-quality human hair.

The Hair Systems are able to be customised to fit a specific area that needs to be filled in, such as the temples, crown or top section of your scalp.


We start with your free consultation; our educated specialist will talk to you about your needs, lifestyle and your expectations. discussing or recommending a desired hair style. Your specialist will show you appropriate base options to suit your needs and make any custom selections needed to perfectly match your density, colour, texture and style.
Once you have selected your specifications, the Hair System is usually ready to install within 2-3 weeks. It is important that we start with enough length of hair to blend the system from the top of your head to the sides of your hair. For the best blend (even if you want a very short hair cut) We need 1 inch of length to use to blend. Please do not shave all your hair down before installation.
Your Hair System will be attached with skin safe adhesive or tape, depending on your particular lifestyle and needs. We asses each client on case-by-case bases as to whether we need to shave down the area before attachment. This will be discussed during your consultation.


The life of your Hair System can be anywhere between 1-7 months it will depend on a range of different factors such as:
  • How often it is shampooed
  • How often it is blow dried
  • How well you care for it at home
  • How much you sweat
  • How much friction there is during sleep
  • How often hats or helmets are worn
  • How often you swim
These factors vary greatly between each client so it is difficult to give an exact life span of the Hair Systems. We do however speak at length with you about all the factors relevant to you and give you a rough idea, we also will provide all the information you need to get as much life out of your Hair System as possible as it is ultimately up to you at home as to how long it will last.
You will receive all the information you need to care for your Hair System as well as shampoo, conditioner and leave in conditioner to ensure your Hair System is well maintained. You will also be offered a free follow up appointment 1 week after your first installation to ensure all is going well and you are managing your new hair at home.
Click below to book your free consultation now!
Being able to personalise a custom hair piece for my clients and seeing them take their identity back, gave me the spark that has grown into a true passion and privilege to serve those in need.
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